2019年 邦文論文

肺癌 59(4): 348-353, 2019

パネルディスカッション:麻酔科における女性医師の力 「麻酔科における女性医師の力」を終えて
麻酔 68: 623-624, 2019

がんサバイバーの痛みを考える 6.薬物療法:各論 13)漢方薬
ペインクリニック 40: s391-s398, 2019

信州医学雑誌67(2): 105-111, 2019

癌と化学療法46(5): 961-963, 2019

2019年 欧文論文

Fukushima T, Noguchi T, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Ozawa T, Koizumi T, Tamada H
Late and rapid relapse in mediastinum from testicular germ cell tumor stage Ⅰ over 13 years after surgery
Case Rep Oncol 12: 500-505, 2019

Gibo T, Sekiguchi N, Gomi D, Noguchi T, Fukushima T, Kobayashi T, Ozawa T, Yamada S, Koizumi T
Targeted therapy with trastuzumab for epidermal growth factor receptor 2(HER2)-positive advanced salivary duct carcinoma: A case report
Mol Clin Oncol 11: 111-115, 2019

Gomi D, Fukushima T, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Koizumi T, Oguchi K
Fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography evaluation in metastatic bone lesions in lung cancer: Possible prediction of pain and skeletal-related events
Thorac Cancer 10(4): 980-987, 2019

Kawakami T, Sekiguchi N, Kobayashi J, Yamane T, Nishina S, Sakai H, Hirabayashi Y, Nakazawa H, Ishida F
STAT3 mutations in natural killer cells are associated with cytopenia in patients with chronic lymphoproliferative disorder of natural killer cells
Int J Hematol 109(5): 563-571, 2019

Kikuchi K, Nozawa K, Yamazaki N, Nakai Y, Higashiyama A, Asano M, Fujiwara Y, Kanda S, Ohe Y, Takashima A, Boku N, Inoue A, Takahashi M, Mori T, Taguchi O, Inoue Y, Mizutani H
Instrumental evaluation sensitively detects subclinical skin changes by the epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors and risk factors for severe acneiform eruption
J Dermatol 46(1): 18-25, 2019

Komatsu M, Yamamoto H, Shomura T, Sonehara K, Ichiyama T, Urushihata K, Ushiki A, Yasuo M, Wakamatsu T, Sugimoto S, Oto T, Date H, Koizumi T, Hanaoka M, Kubo K
Twenty-year follow-up of the first bilateral living-donor lobar lung transplantation in Japan
Intern Med 58(21): 3133-3137, 2019

Makino Y, Makihara-Ando R, Ogawa T, Sato H, Goto Y, Kanda S, Horinouchi H, Fujiwara Y, Ohe Y, Yamamoto N.
Individual optimal dose of amrubicin to prevent severe neutropenia in Japanese patients with lung cancer.
Cancer Sci 110(11): 3573-3583, 2019

Masuda K, Fujiwara Y, Shinno Y, Mizuno T, Sato J, Morita R, Matsumoto Y, Murakami S, Goto Y, Kanda S, Horinouchi H, Yamamoto N, Ohe Y.
Efficacy and safety of crizotinib in patients with ROS1 rearranged non-small cell lung cancer: a retrospective analysis.
J Thorac Dis 11(7): 2965-2972, 2019

Matoba H, Takamoto M, Fujii C, Kawakubo M, Kasuga E, Matsumura T, Natori T, Misawa K, Taniguchi S, Nakayama J
Cecal Tumorigenesis in Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Deficient Mice Depends on Cecum-Specific Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathway Activation and Inflammation
Am J Pathol 190(2): 453-468, 2019

Matsuoka S, Koyama T, Takeda T, Yamada K, Hyogotani A, Hamanaka K, Sekiguchi N, Koizumi T
Development of angiosarcoma in a mediastinal non-seminomatous germ cell tumor that exhibited growing teratoma syndrome during chemotherapy
Thorac Cancer 10(1): 111-115, 2019

Miura K, Hamanaka K, Koizumi T, Kawakami S, Kobayashi N, Ito KI
Solid component tumor doubling time is a prognostic factor in non-small cell lung cancer patients
J Cardiothorac Surg 14(1): 57, 2019

Naito T, Udagawa H, Sato J, Horinouchi H, Murakami S, Goto Y, Kanda S, Fujiwara Y, Yamamoto N, Zenke Y, Kirita K, Matsumoto S, Yoh K, Niho S, Motoi N, Ohe Y, Ishii G, Goto K.
A Minimum Of 100 Tumor Cells in a Single Biopsy Sample Is Required to Assess Programmed Cell Death Ligand 1 Expression in Predicting Patient Response to Nivolumab Treatment in Nonsquamous Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma.
J Thorac Oncol 14(10): 1818-1827, 2019

Noguchi T, Gomi D, Fukushima T, Ozawa T, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Mamiya K, Koizumi T
A Cace of Unresectable Pulmonary Artery Intimal Sarcoma with Prolonged Survival by Chemotherapy
Case Rep Oncol 12: 192-198, 2019

Nokihara H, Nishio M, Yamamoto N, Fujiwara Y, Horinouchi H, Kanda S, Horiike A, Ohyanagi F, Yanagitani N, Nguyen L, Yaron Y, Borgman A, Tamura T.
Phase 1 Study of Cabozantinib in Japanese Patients With Expansion Cohorts in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.
Clin Lung Cancer 20(3): e317-e328,2019

Okumura T, Takayama S, Nishio SI, Miyakoshi T, Noguchi T, Kobayashi T, Fukushima T, Sekiguchi N, Otsuki T, Komatsu M, Koizumi T
ACTH-producing thymic neuroendocrine tumor initially presenting as psychosis: A case report and literature review
Thorac Cancer 10(7): 1648-1653, 2019

Ozawa M, Fukushima T, Noguchi T, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Koizumi T
Intra-oesophageal invasion of thymoma
Respirol Case Rep 7(8): e00485, 2019

Sato Y, Shirota S, Kiniwa Y, Sekiguchi N, Okuyama R, Koizumi T
Thymoma-associated graft-versus-host-like disease treated with high-dose i.v. immunoglobulin
J Dermatol 46(6): e224-e225, 2019

Sekiguchi N, Noguchi T, Fukushima T, Kobayashi T, Ozawa T, Sato Y, Takeda T, Yoshida K, Koizumi T
Posterior mediastinal ganglioneuroblastoma in an adolescent: A case report and review
Thorac Cancer 11(2): 451-455, 2019

Shimodaira S, Yanagisawa R, Koya T, Hirabayashi K, Higuchi Y, Sakamoto T, Togi M, Kato T Jr, Kobayashi T, Koizumi T, Koido S, Sugiyama H
In vivo administration of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor increases the immune effectiveness of dendritic cell-based cancer vaccination
Vaccines 7: 120, 2019

Shibaki R, Murakami S, Matsumoto Y, Goto Y, Kanda S, Horinouchi H, Fujiwara Y, Yamamoto N, Motoi N, Kusumoto M, Yamamoto N, Ohe Y.
Tumor expression and usefulness as a biomarker of programmed death ligand 1 in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients with preexisting interstitial lung disease.
Med Oncol 36(6):49, 2019

Shibaki R, Murakami S, Shinno Y, Matsumoto Y, Goto Y, Kanda S, Horinouchi H, Fujiwara Y, Motoi N, Yamamoto N, Ohe Y.
Malignant pleural effusion as a predictor of the efficacy of anti-PD-1 antibody in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.
Thorac Cancer 10(4): 815-822, 2019

Shinno Y, Goto Y, Sato J, Morita R, Matsumoto Y, Murakami S, Kanda S, Horinouchi H, Fujiwara Y, Yamamoto N, Ohe Y.
Mixed response to osimertinib and the beneficial effects of additional local therapy.
Thorac Cancer 10(4): 738-743, 2019

Sonehara K, Kobayashi T, Tateishi K, Morozumi N, Yoshiike F, Hachiya T, Ono Y, Takasuna K, Agatsuma T, Masubuchi T, Matsuo A, Tanaka H, Morikawa A, Hanaoka M, Koizumi T
Clinical analysis of EGFR-positive non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with first-line afatinib: A Nagano Lung Cancer Research Group
Thorac Cancer 10(5): 1078-1085, 2019

Sonehara K, Tateishi K, Fukushima T, Komatsu M, Yamamoto H, Koizumi T, Hanaoka M
The efficacy of amrubicin third-line chemotherapy in patients with relapsed extensive-disease small-cell lung cancer: A retrospective and historical study in a single institute
Thorac Cancer 10(9): 1805-1811, 2019

Sonehara K, Tateishi K, Komatsu M, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M, Kanda S, Koizumi T
Modified Glasgow Prognostic Score as a Prognostic Factor in Patients with Extensive Disease-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Retrospective Study in a Single Institute
Chemotherapy 64(3): 129-137, 2019

Tamura N, Horinouchi H, Sekine K, Matsumoto Y, Murakami S, Goto Y, Kanda S, Fujiwara Y, Yamamoto N, Ohe Y.
Efficacy of subsequent docetaxel +/- ramucirumab and S-1 after nivolumab for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
Thorac Cancer 10(5): 1141-1148, 2019

Udagawa H, Akamatsu H, Tanaka K, Takeda M, Kanda S, Kirita K, Teraoka S, Nakagawa K, Fujiwara Y, Yasuda I, Okubo S, Shintani M, Kosloski MP, Scripture C, Tamura T, Okamoto I.
Phase I safety and pharmacokinetics study of rovalpituzumab tesirine in Japanese patients with advanced, recurrent small cell lung cancer.
Lung Cance 135: 145-150, 2019

Yamaguchi M, Okamura S, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Tsugane S, Shetty V, Koizumi T
Plasma cytokine levels and the presence of colorectal cancer
PLoS One 14(3): e0213602, 2019

Yamaguchi M, Suzuki R, Miyazaki K, Amaki J, Takizawa J, Sekiguchi N, Kinoshita S, Tomita N, Wada H, Kobayashi Y, Niitsu N, Ando T, Maeda T, Saito B, Matsuoka H, Sasaki R, Kubota N, Masaki Y, Kameoka Y, Oguchi M, Katayama N
Improved prognosis of extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type of nasal origin but not extranasal origin
Ann Hematol 98: 1647-1655, 2019

Yoshida K, Kanda S, Shiraishi H, Goto K, Itahashi K, Goto Y, Horinouchi H, Fujiwara Y, Nokihara H, Yamamoto N, Ohe Y.
Difference in central nerve system metastasis during gefitinib or erlotinib therapy in patients with EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer: a retrospective study.
J Thorac Dis 11(4): 1347-1354, 2019

2018年 邦文論文

小泉知展、齋藤知子、唐澤芽唯、野澤早加、大槻憲吾 院内がん登録からみた長野県の肺がんの病期別頻度‐全国との比較‐ 長野県医学会雑誌 48: 21-22, 2018

2018年 欧文論文

Dufva O, Kankainen M, Kelkka T, Sekiguchi N, Awad SA, Eldfors S, Yadav B, Kuusanmäki H, Malani D, Andersson EI, Pietarinen P, Saikko L, Kovanen PE, Ojala T, Lee DA, Loughran TP Jr., Nakazawa H, Suzumiya J, Suzuki R, Ko YH, Kim WS, Chuang SS, Aittokallio T, Chan WC, Ohshima K, Ishida F, Mustjoki S
Aggressive natural killer-cell leukemia mutational landscape and drug profiling highlight JAK-STAT signaling as therapeutic target
Nat Commun 9(1):1567, 2018

Fukushima T, Gomi D, Seno N, Gibo T, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Matsushita H, Kasahara Y, Mamiya K, Koizumi T
Successful Salvage Chemotherapy with Mediastinal Atypical Carcinoid Tumor Who Had Relapsed after Various Prior Therapies
Case Rep Oncol 11: 49-54, 2018

Fukushima T, Wakatsuki Y, Kobayashi T, Sonehara K, Tateishi K, Yamamoto M, Masubuchi T, Yoshiike F, Hirai K, Hachiya T, Koizumi T
Phase II study of cisplatin/pemetrexed combined with bevacizumab followed by pemetrexed/bevacizumab maintenance therapy in patients with EGFR-wild advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 81(6): 1043-1050, 2018

Gomi D, Fukushima T, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Sakamoto A, Mamiya K, Koizumi T
Gastric cancer initially presenting as bone metastasis: Two case reports and a literature review
Oncol Lett 16: 5863-5867, 2018

Gubin MM, Esaulova E, Ward JP, Malkova ON, Runci D, Wong P, Noguchi T, Arthur CD, Meng W, Alspach E, Medrano RFV, Fronick C, Fehlings M, Newell EW, Fulton RS, Sheehan KCF, Oh ST, Schreiber RD, Artyomov MN
High-Dimensional Analysis Delineates Myeloid and Lymphoid Compartment Remodeling during Successful Immune-Checkpoint Cancer Therapy
Cell 175 (4):1014-1030, 2018

Handa H, Gomi D, Fukushima T, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Sakamoto A, Tsukahara Y, Matsushita H, Sasaki S, Mamiya K, Koizumi T, Ichiyama T
Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Origin Detected Incidentally by Lymph Node Purification for Thyroid Carcinoma
Intern Med 57(1): 31-35, 2018

Kato A, Yasuo M, Tokoro Y, Kobayashi T, Ichiyama T, Tateishi K, Ushiki A, Urushihata K, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M
Virtual bronchoscopic navigation as an aid to CT-guided transbronchial biopsy improves the diagnostic yield for small peripheral pulmonary lesions
Respirology 23(11): 1049-1054, 2018

Kawakami T, Sekiguchi N, Kobayashi J, Imi T, Matsuda K, Yamane T, Nishina S, Senoo Y, Sakai H, Ito T, Koizumi T, Hirokawa M, Nakao S, Nakazawa H, Ishida F
Frequent STAT3 mutations in CD8+ T cells from patients with pure red cell aplasia
Blood Adv 2(20): 2704-2712, 2018

Koizumi T, Shetty V, Yamaguchi M
Salivary cytokine panel indicative of non-small cell lung cancer
J Int Med Res 46(9): 3570-3582, 2018

Matsumura T, Hida S, Kitazawa M, Fujii C, Kobayashi A, Takeoka M, Taniguchi SI, Miyagawa SI
Fascin1 Suppresses RIG-I-like Receptor Signaling and Interferon-β Production by Associating with IκB Kinase ϵ (IKK ϵ) in Colon Cancer
J Biol Chem 293(17): 6326-6336, 2018

Miura K, Hamanaka K, Matsuoka S, Takeda T, Agatsuma H, Hyogatani A, Ito K, Nishimaki F, Koizumi T, Uehara T
Primary Mediastinal dedifferentiated liposarcoma: Five case reports and a review
Thorac Cancer 9(12): 1733-1740, 2018

Omodaka T, Minagawa A, Uhara H, Wakamatsu K, Koizumi T, Yokokawa Y, Koga H, Okuyama R
Serum 5-S-cysteinyldopa behavior in the early phase of nivolumab treatment of 12 melanoma patients
J Dermatol 45: 1340-1344, 2018

Sakaizawa T, Matsumura T, Fujii C, Hida S, Toishi M, Shiina T, Yoshida K, Hamanaka K, Ito KI, Taniguchi S
Potential Role of ASC, a Proapoptotic Protein, for Determining the Cisplatin Susceptibility of Lung Cancer Cells
Tohoku J Exp Med 244(2): 133-144, 2018

Sekiguchi N, Gomi D, Noguchi T, Kobayashi T, Koizumi T, Fujita A, Kawakami S
Intradiaphragmatic Bronchogenic Cysts: A Case Report and Literature Review
OMICS J Radiol 7(1): 1000289, 2018

Sogawa Y, Nagasu H, Itano S, Kidokoro K, Taniguchi S, Takahashi M, Kadoya H, Satoh M, Sasaki T, Kashihara N
The eNOS-NO pathway attenuates kidney dysfunction via suppression of inflammasome activation in aldosterone-induced renal injury model mice
PLoS One 13(10): e0203823, 2018

Yanagisawa R, Koizumi T, Koya T, Sano K, Koido S, Nagai K, Kobayashi M, Okamoto M, Sugiyama H, Shimodaira S
WT1-pulsed Dendritic Cell Vaccine Combined with Chemotherapy for Resected Pancreatic Cancer in a Phase I Study
Anticancer Res 38(4): 2217-2225, 2018

2017年 邦文論文

信州医学雑誌 65(1): 57-59, 2017

痛みと漢方 27: 122-125, 2017

麻酔 66(7): 736-743, 2017

2017年 欧文論文

Gomi D, Tanaka A, Fukushima T, Kobayashi T, Matsushita H, Sekiguchi N, Sakamoto A, Sasaki S, Mamiya K, Koizumi T
Dynamics of L-Carnitine in Plasma and Urine in Patients Undergoing Cisplatin Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy 62(4):225-230, 2017

Ichiyama T, Gomi D, Fukushima T, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Sakamoto A, Sasaki S, Mamiya K, Koizumi T, Hama Y
Successful and long-term response to trastuzumab plus paclitaxel combination therapy in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive extramammary Paget's disease: A case report and review of the literature
Mol Clin Oncol 7(5): 763-766, 2017

Kikuchi T, Shimizu H, Akiyama Y, Taniguchi S
In situ delivery and production system of trastuzumab scFv with Bifidobacterium
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 493(1): 306-312, 2017

Kitazawa M, Hida S, Fujii C, Taniguchi S, Ito K, Matsumura T, Okada N, Sakaizawa T, Kobayashi A, Takeoka M, Miyagawa S
ASC Induces Apoptosis via Activation of Caspase-9 by Enhancing Gap Junction-Mediated Intercellular Communication
PLoS One 12(1): e0169340, 2017

Koizumi T, Fukushima T, Gomi D, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Mamiya K, Tateishi K, Katou A, Oguchi K
Correlation of early PET findings with tumor response to molecular targeted agents in patients with advanced driver-mutated non-small cell lung cancer
Med Oncol 34(10):169, 2017 (7ページ)

Maruyama Y, Fukushima T, Gomi D, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Sakamoto A, Sasaki S, Mamiya K, Koizumi T
Relapsed and unresectable inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor responded to chemotherapy: A case report and review of the literature
Mol Clin Oncol 7(4): 521-524, 2017

Miura K, Hamanaka K, Koizumi T, Kitaguchi Y, Terada Y, Nakamura D, Kumeda H, Agatsuma H, Hyogotani A, Kawakami S, Yoshizawa A, Asaka S, Ito K
Clinical significance of preoperative serum albumin level for prognosis in surgically resected patients with non-small cell lung cancer: Comparative study of normal lung, emphysema, and pulmonary fibrosis
Lung Cancer 111: 88-95, 2017

Nakamura D, Miura K, Kumeda H, Agatsuma H, Hyogotani A, Hamanaka K, Koizumi T, Yamamoto H, Tamada H, Ito K
Successful Resection of G719X-Positive Pleomorphic Carcinoma after Afatinib Treatment
Case Rep Oncol 10(3): 1035-1040, 2017

Nishie K, Yamamoto S, Nagata C, Koizumi T, Hanaoka M
Anamorelin for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer with cachexia: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Lung Cancer 112: 25-34, 2017

Noguchi T, Ward JP, Gubin MM, Arthur CD, Lee SH, Hundal J, Selby MJ, Graziano RF, Mardis ER, Korman AJ, Schreiber RD
Temporally Distinct PD-L1 Expression by Tumor and Host Cells Contributes to Immune Escape
Cancer Immunol Res 5(2): 106-117, 2017

Okamoto M, Takazawa A, Aoki K, Yoshimura Y, Kato H, Otsuki T, Maeno K, Koizumi T
Initial clinical presentation of single soft tissue metastasis of medullary thyroid carcinoma without primary rumor in the thyroid gland
World J Surg Oncol 15(1): 221, 2017

Ozawa T, Koiwai K, Matsushita H, Kadoya M
Dosimetric Comparisons of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy with Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Shinshu Med J 65(2): 93-98, 2017 (学位論文)

Sakamoto A, Tsukahara Y, Gomi D, Fukushima T, Kobayashi T, Matsushita H, Sekiguchi N, Mamiya K, Koizumi T
Plasma L-carnitine levels in terminally ill cancer patients receiving only palliative care
Ann Palliat Med 6(Suppl1): s52-s57, 2017

Sekiguchi N, Nishina S, Kawakami T, Sakai H, Senoo N, Senoo Y, Ito T, Saito H, Nakazawa H, Koizumi T, Ishida F
Oral cyclophosphamide was effective for Coombs-negative autoimmune hemolytic anemia in CD16+CD56- chronic lymphoproliferative disorder of NK-cells
Int J Hematol 105(6): 854-858, 2017

Seno N, Fukushima T, Gomi D, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Matsushita H, Ozawa T, Tsukahara Y, Mamiya K, Koizumi T, Sano K
Successful treatment with doxorubicin and ifosfamide for mediastinal malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor with loss of H3K27me3 expression
Thorac Cancer 8(6): 720-723, 2017

Takeuchi N, Koike K, Yoshida S, Kubo A, Sekiguchi N, Nakayama A, Kubota K, Rokuhara T, Kitahara M
Treatment of metastatic refractory colorectal cancer following regorafenib failure
Mol Clin Oncol 7(2): 308-312, 2017

Tanahashi T, Sekiguchi N, Matsuda K, Matsumoto A, Ito T, Nakazawa H, Ishida F
A screening method with lymphocyte percentage and proportion of granular lymphocytes in the peripheral blood for large granular lymphocyte (LGL) leukemia
Int J Hematol 105(1): 87-91, 2017

Yamaguchi M, Suzuki R, Oguchi M, Asano N, Amaki J, Akiba T, Maeda T, Itasaka S, Kubota N, Saito Y, Kobayashi Y, Itami J, Ueda K, Miyazaki K, Ii N, Tomita N, Sekiguchi N, Takizawa J, Saito B, Murayama T, Ando T, Wada H, Hyo R, Ejima Y, Hasegawa M, Katayama N
Treatments and Outcomes of Patients With Extranodal Natural killer/T-Cell Lymphoma Diagnosed Between 2000 and 2013: A Cooperative Study in Japan
J Clin Oncol 35(1): 32-39, 2017

Yasuo M, Kitaguchi Y, Komatsu Y, Hama M, Koizumi T, Agatsuma T, Ichiyama T, Kato A, Moteki H, Hanaoka M
Self-assessment of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma (SACRA) Questionnaire-based Allergic Rhinitis Treatment Improves Asthma Control in Asthmatic Patients with Allergic Rhinitis
Intern Med 56(1): 31-39, 2017

Yoshizawa E, Koiwai K, Ina H, Fukazawa A, Sakai K, Ozawa T, Matsushita H, Kadoya M
Outcomes of uterine cervical cancer patients with pelvic lymph node metastases after radiotherapy without boost irradiation of metastases
J Obstet Gynaecol Res 43(4):718-722, 2017

2016年 邦文論文

信州医学雑誌 64(3): 147-151, 2016

信州医学雑誌 64(1): 21-27, 2016

信州医学雑誌 64(1): 15-20, 2016

麻酔 65(3): 248-254, 2016

2016年 欧文論文

Andersson EI, Tanahashi T, Sekiguchi N, Gasparini VR, Bortoluzzi S, Kawakami T, Matsuda K, Mitsui T, Eldfors S, Bortoluzzi S, Coppe A, Binatti A, Lagström S, Ellonen P, Fukushima N, Nishina S, Senoo N, Sakai H, Nakazawa H, Kwong YL, Loughran TP, Maciejewski JP, Mustjoki S, Ishida F
High incidence of activating STAT5B mutations in CD4-positive T-cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia
Blood 128(20): 2465-2468, 2016

Ashida A, Ogawa E, Uhara H, Koizumi T, Okuyama R
Inhibition of epidermal growth factor receptor induces tumor necrosis factor-α via activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ and nuclear factor-κB in sebocytes: A possible pathogenesis of papulopustular rash
J Dermatol Sci 82(1): 53-56, 2016

Booka E, Imamura C, Takeuchi H, Hamamoto Y, Gomi D, Mizukami T, Ichiyama T, Tateishi K, Takahashi T, Kawakubo H, soejima K, Boku N, Tanigawara Y, Kitagawa Y
Development of an S-1 dosage formula based on renal function by a prospective pharmacokinetic study
Gastric Cancer 19(3): 876-886, 2016

Gomi D, Sasaki S, Sekiguchi N, Kobayashi T, Sakamoto A, Koizumi T
A Case of Olfactory Neuroblastoma (Esthesioneuroblastoma) Presenting with Anemia Due to Nasal Bleeding
Shinshu Medical Journal 64(5): 247-252, 2016

Koiwai K, Sasaki S, Yoshizawa E, Ina H, Fukazawa A, Sakai K, Ozawa T, Matsushita H, Kadoya M
Palliative radiotherapy for Japanese patients with malignant melanoma: a single-institution experience
Jpn J Radiol 34(2): 125-129, 2016

Koizumi T, Fukushima T, Gomi D, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Sakamoto A, Sasaki S, Mamiya K
Alectinib-Induced Alopecia in a Patient with Anaplstic Lymphoma Kinase-Positive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Cace Rep Oncol 9: 212-215, 2016

Morita D, Nakazawa Y, Tanaka M, Nakayama Y, KoizumiT, Koike K
Early-onset colorectal cancer in young adult survivors of childhood cancer
Pediatr Int 58(7): 637-639, 2016

Ohue Y, Matsuoka S, Kumeda H, Agatsuma H, Hyougotani A, Toishi M, Shiina T, Yoshida K, Shingu K, Fukushima T, Koizumi T
Development of combined thymic carcinoma and thymoma in an extrathymic lesion during long follow-up for recurrent thymoma
Mol Clin Onc 4(2): 139-142, 2016

Okada N, Fujii C, Matsumura T, Kitazawa M, Okuyama R, Taniguchi S, Hida S
Novel role of ASC as a regulator of metastatic phenotype
Cancer Med 5(9): 2487-2500, 2016

Sakamoto A, Takayama H, Mamiya K, Koizumi T
Opioid withdrawal presenting only nausea during tapering of oxycodone after celiac plexus block: a case report
Ann Palliat Med 5(1): 67-70, 2016

Tanahashi T, Sekiguchi N, Matsuda K, Takezawa Y, Ito T, Kobayashi H, Ichikawa N, Nishina S, Senoo N, Sakai H, Nakazawa H, Ishida F
Cell size variations of large granular lymphocyte leukemia: Implication of a small cell subtype of granular lymphocyte leukemia with STAT3 mutations
Leukemia Research 45: 8-13, 2016

Tanaka M, Koyama T, Sakurai T, Kamiyoshi A, Ichikawa-Shindo Y, Kawate H, Liu T, Xian X, Imai A, Zhai L, Hirabayashi K, Owa S, Yamauchi A, Igarashi K, Taniguchi S, Shindo T
The endothelial adrenomedullin-RAMP2 system regulates vascular integrity and suppresses tumour metastasis
Cardiovasc Res 111(4): 398-409, 2016

Tatai T, Gomi D, Fukushima T, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Sakamoto A, Sasaki S, Koizumi T, Sano K
Effectiveness of Imatinib Mesylate Treatment in a Patient with Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans with Pulmonary and Pancreatic Metastases
Intern Med 55(17): 2507-2511, 2016

Tokoro Y, Yasuo M, Kobayashi T, Hama M, Ichiyama T, Horiuchi T, Ushiki A, Kawakami S, Honda T, Hanaoka M
Computed tomography-guided bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of small peripheral pulmonary lesions: A retrospective study of 240 examinations in a single academic center
Respir Investig 54(5): 347-354, 2016

Yasuo M, Kobayashi T, Hama M, Ichiyama T, Horiuchi T, Yamamoto H, Kawakami S, Hamanaka K, Honda T, Hanaoka M
Combination of virtual bronchoscopic navigation with conventional transbronchial needle aspiration in the diagnosis of peribronchial pulmonary lesions located in the middle third of the lungs
Respir Investig 54(5): 355-363, 2016

Wada Y, Koyama S, Kuraishi H, Miyahara T, Yoshiike F, Agatsuma T, Yamamoto R, Ono Y, Suzuki T, Hachiya T, Gomi D, Tateishi K, Hanaoka M, Koizumi T
Clinical analysis of patients treated with afatinib for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: A Nagano Lung Cancer Research Group observational study
Respir Investig 54(6): 462-467, 2016

2015年 邦文論文

がん看護 20(3):395-399,2015

血液内科70(1): 93-96, 2015

赤芽球癆を合併したT-cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia の一例
川崎医学会誌 41(1): 19-26, 2015

長野県医学会雑誌 46: 110-112, 2015 和文会議録

日本ペインクリニック学会誌 22(4): 553-557, 2015

ペインクリニック 36(4): 495-498, 2015

巻頭言 心の痛みを診る
ペインクリニック 36(9) 1145, 2015

2015年 欧文論文

Fukushima T, Tateishi K, Hanaoka M, Koizumi T
Clinical outcomes in patients with small cell lung cancer in a single institute: Comparative analysis of radiographic screening with symptom-prompted patients
Lung Cancer 88: 48-51, 2015

Koizumi T, Fukushima T, Tatai T, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Sakamoto A, Sasaki S
Successful treatment of crizotinib-induced dysgeusia by switching to alectinib in ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer
Lung Cancer 88: 112-113, 2015

Koizumi T, Tsushima K, Tanabe T, Agatsuma T, Yokoyama T, Ito M, Kanda S, Kobayashi T, Yasuo M
Bronchoscopy-Guided Cooled Radiofrequency Ablation as a Novel Intervention Therapy for Peripheral Lung Cancer
Respiration 90(1): 47-55, 2015

Ogiwara T, Horiuchi T, Sekiguchi N, Kakizawa Y, Hongo K
Primary Malignant Lymphoma of the Trigeminal Nerve: Case Report and Literature Review
World Neurosurg 84(2): 592.e3-7, 2015

Saito S, Yanagisawa R, Yoshikawa K, Higuchi Y, Koya T, Yoshizawa K, Tanaka M, Sakashita K, Kobayashi T, Kurata T, Hirabayashi K, Nakazawa Y, Shiohara M, Yonemitsu Y, Okamoto M, Sugiyama H, Koike K, Shimodaira S
Safety and tolerability of allogeneic dendritic cell vaccination with induction of Wilms tumor 1-specific T cells in a pediatric donor and pediatric patient with relapsed leukemia: a case report and review of the literature
Cytotherapy 17(3): 330-335, 2015

Sasaki S, Fukushima T, Maruyama Y, Gomi D, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Sakamoto A, Koizumi T, Kitano K
Two Cases of Thymic Carcinoma Initially Presenting as Bone Metastasis: A Clinical Report and the Usefulness of CD5 Immunohistochemistry for Assessing Bone Lesions
Internal Medicine 54: 1781-1785, 2015

Shimodaira S, Higuchi Y, Koya T, Kobayashi T, Yanagisawa R, Hirabayashi K, Ito K, Koizumi T, Maejima S, Udagawa N
Smoking Influences the Yield of Dendritic Cells for Cancer Immunotherapy
Pharmaceut Reg Affairs 4(1): 1000133, 2015

Shimodaira S, Kobayashi T, Hirabayashi K, Horiuchi K, Koya T, Mizuno Y, Yamaoka N, Yuzawa M, Ishikawa S, Higuchi Y, Sano K, Ito K, Koizumi T
Induction of Antigen-Specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes by Chemoradiotherapy in Patients Receiving Wilms' Tumor 1-Targetted Dendritic Cell Vaccinations for Pancreatic Cancer
OMICS J Radiol 4(4): 1000196, 2015

Shimodaira S, Sano K, Hirabayashi K, Koya T, Higuchi Y, Mizuno Y, Yamaoka N, Yuzawa M, Kobayashi T, Ito K, Koizumi T
Dendritic Cell-Based Adjuvant Vaccination Targeting Wilms'Tumor 1 in Patients with Advanced Colorectal Cancer
Vaccines 3(4): 1004-1018, 2015

Tatai T, Sasaki S, Sekiguchi N, Koizumi T
Iris Metastasis of Esophageal Cancer
Intern Med 54: 1941, 2015

2014年 邦文論文

信州医学雑誌 62(5): 295-302, 2014.

信州医学雑誌 62(6): 431-439, 2014

JACR Monograph No.20: 179-180, 2014

和泉裕己, 鷹架博之, 阿部展子, 笹川智貴, 間宮敬子, 高畑治, 岩崎寛
臨床体温 32巻1号 Page18-21(2014.12) 査読有

大友重明, 鈴木昭広, 阿部展子, 原田修人, 間宮敬子, 岩崎 寛
日本ペインクリニック学会誌 21巻2号 Page133-136 2014査読有

2014年 欧文論文

Computed tomography attenuation predicts the growth of pure ground-glass nodules

Eguchi T, Kondo R, Kawakami S, Matsushita M, Yoshizawa A, Hara D, Matsuoka S, Takeda T, Miura K, Agatsuma H, Sakaizawa T, Tominaga Y, Saito G, Toishi M, Hamanaka K, Hashizume M, Shiina T, Amano J, Koizumi T, Yoshida K

Lung Cancer 84: 242-247, 2014.

Late-onset Rejection of a Unilateral Donor Lung with Vascular C4d Deposition in Bilateral Living-donor Lobar Lung Transplantation: An Autopsy Case Report

Yamamoto H, Yoshida K, Koizumi T, Tokoro Y, Fukushima T, Tateishi K, Ushiki A, Yokoyama T, Yasuo M, Urushihata k, Hanaoka M, Shingu K, shimojo H, Kanno H, Yoshizawa A, Kawakami S, Miyagawa-Hayashino A, Date H, Kubo K

Intern Med 53: 1645-1650, 2014

Lung re-expansion following one-lung ventilation induces neutrophil cytoskeletal rearrangements in rats

Eguchi T, Hamanaka K, Kondo R, Saito G, Shiina T, Koizumi T, Yoshida K

Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 20(4): 276-283, 2014

Primary nonseminomatous germ cell tumor in the posterior mediastinum

Wada Y, Yokoyama T, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M, Kawakami S, Koizumi T

Respirology Case Reports 2(1): 45-47, 2014

Screening Tests Using Serum Tissue Transglutaminase IgA May Facilitate the Identification of Undiagnosed Celiac Disease among Japanese Population

Nakazawa H, Makishima H, Ito T, Ota H, Momose K, Sekiguchi N, Yoshizawa K, Akamatsu T, Ishida F

Int J Med Sci 11(8): 819-823, 2014

STAT3 gene mutations and their association with pure red cell aplasia in large granular lymphocyte leukemia

Ishida F, Matsuda K, Sekiguchi N, Makishima H, Taira C, Momose K, Nishina S, Senoo N, Sakai H, Ito T, Kwong Y

Cancer Sci 105: 342-346, 2014

Successful Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy with Cisplatin plus Vinorelbine for Locally Advanced Thymic Carcinoma

Fukushima T, Tateishi K, Hanaoka M, Koiwai K, Sasaki S, Koizumi T

Case Rep Oncol 7: 65-69, 2014.

Successful Salvage Chemotherapy with Amrubicin for Invasive Thymoma Associated with Myasthenia Gravis

Fukushima T, Gomi D, Kobayashi T, Sekiguchi N, Sakamoto A, Sasaki S, Koizumi T

Jpn J Clin Oncol 44(11): 1120-1122, 2014

The potential efficacy of noninvasive ventilation with administration of a neutrophil elastase inhibitor for acute respiratory distress syndrome

Tsushima K, Yokoyama T, Matsumura T, Koizumi T, Kubo K, Tatsumi K; Acute Lung Injury Group in Nagano

J Crit Care 29(3): 420-425, 2014.

Tumor Size and Computed Tomography Attenuation of Pulmonary Pure Ground-Glass Nodules Are Useful for Predicting Pathological Invasiveness

Eguchi T, Yoshizawa A, Kawakami S, Kumeda H, Umesaki T, Agatsuma H, Sakaizawa T, Tominaga Y, Toishi M, Hashizume M, Shiina T, Yoshida K, Asaka S, Matsushita M, Koizumi T

PloS ONE 9(5): e97867, 2014.

2013年 邦文論文

皮膚悪性腫瘍―基礎と臨床の最新研究動向― Ⅳ 有棘細胞癌(日光角化症・Bowen病)有棘細胞癌の治療 日本臨牀 71(4): 517-520, 2013

最新肺癌学―基礎と臨床の最新研究動向― Ⅳ 肺癌の分子生物学と発癌機序 発癌の分子機序 日本臨牀 71(6): 146-149, 2013

内分泌甲状腺外会誌 30: 168-174, 2013

信州医誌 61(5): 283-287, 2013

日本乳癌検診学会誌 22: 411-418, 2013

皮膚悪性腫瘍―基礎と臨床の最新研究動向― Ⅴ 基底細胞癌 基底細胞癌の治療 日本臨牀 71(4): 642-645, 2013

信州医誌 61: 13-18, 2013

癌と化学療法 40: 355-359, 2013

乳癌の臨床 28: 99-104, 2013

2013年 欧文論文

Rapid tumor necrosis and massive hemorrhage induced by bevacizumab and paclitaxel combination therapy in a case of advanced breast cancer
Ono M, Ito T, Kanai T, Murayama K, Koyama H, Maeno K, Mochizuki Y, Iesato A, Hanamura T, Okada T, Watanabe T, Ito K
Onco Targets Ther 6: 1393-1398, 2013

Primary malignant sarcomatoid mesothelioma in the pericardium
Tateishi K, Ikeda M, Yokoyama T, Urushihata K, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M, Kubo K, Sakai Y, Nakayama J, Koizumi T
Intern Med 52: 249-253, 2013

The concept study of recombinant human soluble thrombomodulin in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
Tsushima K, Yokoyama T, Koizumi T, Kubo K, Tatsumi K
Inter Journal of Clinical Medicine 4: 488-495, 2013

Surgical outcomes in patients with small cell lung cancer: comparative analysis of computed tomograpy-detected patients with others
Koizumi T, Fukushima T, Hamanaka K, Shiina T, Yoshida K, Kondo R, Yamamoto R, Nishizawa N
World J Surg Oncol 11: 61, 2013

Sivelestat prevents cytoskeletal rearrangements in neutrophils resulting from lung ventilation during thoracic surgery
Eguchi T, Yoshida K, Kondo R, Hamanaka K, Shiina t, Komatsu Y, Yamamoto H, Kubo K, Hasegawa J, Koizumi T
Inflammation 36(6): 1749-1484, 2013

Lung re-expansion following one-lung ventilation induced neutrophil cytoskeletal rearrangements in rats
Eguchi T, Hamanaka K, Kondo R, Saito G, Shiina T, Koizumi T, Yoshida K
Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2013 [Epub ahead of print]

Liver dysfunction and thrombocytopenia diagnosed as being intravascular large B-cell lymphoma by timely and accurate diagnostic transjugular liver biopsy
Sekiguchi N, Joshita S, Yoshida T, Kurozumi M, Sano K, Nakagawa M, Matsushita T, Komatsu D, Komatsu M, Ito T, Ikeda S, Kadoya M, Ishida F, Tanaka E
Intern Med 52(17): 1903-1908, 2013

Large vessel vasculitis developed early after allogeneic bone marrow transplant for acute erythroid leukemia
Kawakami T, Ito T, Sakai H, Sekiguchi N, Nakazawa H, Senoo N, Nishina S, Ishida F
Leuk Lymphoma 54(12): 2748-2749, 2013

Expression of polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyl transferase-3 and its association with clinicopathological factors in thyroid carcinomas
Mochizuki Y, Ito K, Izumi H, Kohno K, Amano J
Thyroid, 2013 [Epub ahead of print]

Efficacy of erlotinib plus concurrent whole-brain radiation therapy for patients with brain metastases from non-small cell lung cancer
Koizumi T, Sasaki S, Sakamoto A, Kobayashi T
Ann Palliat Med 2(3): 111-113, 2013

Comparative analysis of PET findings and clinical outcome in patients with primary mediastinal seminoma
Koizumi T, Katou A, Ikegawa K, Kosaka M, Tateishi K, Yokoyama T, Ushiki A, Kanda S, Tsushima K, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M, Kubo K, Yshida K, Oguchi K
Thoracic Cancer 4: 241-248, 2013

Clinical outcomes in elderly patients administered gefitinib as first-line treatment in epidermal growth factor receptor-mutated non-small-cell lung cancer: retrospective analysis in a Nagano Lung Cancer Research Group Study
Tateishi K, Ichiyams T, Hirai K, Agatsuma T, Koyama S, Hachiya T, Morozumi N, Shiina T, Koizumi T
Med Oncol 30: 450, 2013

Clinical experience of bronchoscopy-guided radiofrequency ablation for peripheral-type lung cancer
Koizumi T, Kobayashi T, Tanabe T, Tsushima K, Yasuo M
Case Rep Oncol Med 2013:515160. doi: 10.1155/2013/515160. Epub 2013 Sep 11

Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with small cell lung cancer detected by CT screening
Fukushima T, Tateishi K, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M, Kubo K, Koizumi T
Med Oncol 30(3): 623, 2013

Androgen metabolite-dependent growth of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer as a possible aromatase inhibitor-resistance mechanism
Hanamura T, Niwa T, Nishikawa S, Konno H, Gohno T, Tazawa C, Kobayashi Y, Kurosumi M, Takei H, Yamaguchi Y, Ito K, Hayashi S
Breast Cancer Res Treat 139: 731-740, 2013

2012年 邦文論文

日本胸部臨床 71: 364-372, 2012

内分泌甲状腺外会誌 29: 234-237, 2012

肺癌 52: 310-314, 2012

日呼吸誌 1: 197-200, 2012

2012年 欧文論文

Utility of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography for distinguishing between the histological types of early stage thymic epithelial tumours
Eguchi T, Yoshida K, Hamanaka K, Shiina T, Koizumi T, Kawakami S, Oguchi K, Aamano J
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 41: 1059-1062, 2012

Treatment outcome of elderly patients with glioblastoma who received combination therapy
Shikama N, Sasaki S, Shinoda A, Koiwai K
Am J Clin Oncol 35: 486-489, 2012

Temporary auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation using a small volume liver graft for amyloid polyneuropathy
Ohno Y, Mita A, Ikegami T, Masuda Y, Urata K, Nakazawa Y, Kobayashi A, Terada M, Ikeda S, Miyagawa S
Am J Transplant 2(8): 2211-2219, 2012

Synchronous gastrointestinal stromal tumor and primary lung adenocarcinoma
Wada Y, Koizumi T, Yokoyama T, Urushihata K, Yamamoto Y, Hanaoka M, Kubo K
Intern Med 51: 2407-2410, 2012.

Superior mesenteric artery syndrome following initiation of cisplatin-containing chemotherapy: a case report
Ushiki A, Koizumi T, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M, Kubo K, Matsushita M
J Med Case Reports 6: 14, 2012

Successful retreatment with ADOC chemotherapy in relapsed thymic carcinoma -experiences in two cases-
Nomura Y, Koizumi T, Kitaguchi Y, Horiuchi T, Kanda S, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M, Kubo K
World J Oncol 3: 33-36, 2012

Prospective study of gefitinib readministration after chemotherapy in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer who previously responded to gefitinib
Koizumi T, Agatsuma T, Ikegami K, Suzuki T, Kobayashi T, Kanda S, Yoshikawa S, Kubo K, Shiina T, Takasuna K, Matsuo K, Hayasaka M, Morikawa M, Ameshima S
Clin Lung Cancer 13: 458-463, 2012

Potential benefits of early continuous positive pressure ventilation in patients with rapidly progressive interstitial pneumonia
Yokoyama T, Tsushima K, Yamamoto H, Koizumi T, Kubo K
Respirology 17: 315-321, 2012

Phase Ⅰ/Ⅱ study of S-1 combined with biweekly irinotecan chemotherapy in previously treated advanced non-small cell lung cancer
Goya H, Kuraishi H, Koyama S, Ichiyama T, Yoshiike F, Hirai K, Agatsuma T, Tateishi K, Kanda S, Yamamoto H, Kubo K, Koizumi T
Cancer Chemother Parmacol 70: 691-697, 2012

Oropharyngeal metastasis of cardiogenic angiosarcoma
Kanda S, Koizumi T, Kobayashi N, Kubo K
Intern Med 51: 127-128, 2012

Multimodality therapeutic outcomes to anaplastic thyroid carcinoma: an improved survival in subgroups of patients with localized primary tumors
Ito K, Hanamura T, Murayama K, Okada T, Watanabe T, Harada M, Ito T, Koyama H, Kanai T, Maeno k, Mochizuki Y, Amano J
Head Neck 34: 230-237, 2012

Increased interleukin-8 in epithelial lining fluid of collapsed lungs during one-lung ventilation for thoracotomy
Komatsu Y, Yamamoto H, Tsushima K, Furuya S, Yoshikawa S, Yasuo M, Kubo K, Yamazaki Y, Hasegawa J, Eguchi T, Kondo R, Yoshida K, Koizumi T
Inflammation 35: 1844-1850, 2012

First two cases of adult-onset type II citrullinemia successfully treated by deceased-donor liver transplantation in Japan
Yazaki M, Hineno A, Matsushima A, Ozawa K, Kishida D, Tazawa K, Fukushima K, Urata K, Ikegami T, Miyagawa S, Ikeda S
Hepatology Research 42(9): 934-939, 2012

Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration for the diagnosis of intrathoracic lesions: experience of a single academic medical center
Yasuo M, Kobayashi T, Tokoro Y, Horiuchi T, Ito M, Kojima K, Ikegawa K, Ushiki A, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M, Koizumi T, Yoshizawa A, Honda T, Kubo K
Shinshu Med J 60(5): 249-255, 2012

Elevated serum granulysin and its clinical relevance in mature NK-cell neoplasms
Sekiguchi N, Asano N, Ito T, Momose K, Ishida F
Int J Hematol 96: 461-468, 2012

Association of nuclear YB-1 Localization with LRP and EGFR expression in Lung Cancer
Hyogotani A, Ito K, Yoshida K, Izumi H, Kohno K, Amano J
Clin Lung Cancer 13: 375-384, 2012

A phase Ⅱ trial of erlotinib in patients with EGFR wild-type advanced non-small-cell lung cancer
Kobayashi T, Koizumi T, Agatsuma T, Yasuo M, Tsushima K, Kubo K, Eda S, Kuraishi H, Koyama S, Hachiya T, Ohura N
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 69: 1241-1246, 2012

A new procedure for temporary auxiliary partial liver transplantation from living donor for familial amyloid polyneuropathy patient
Ohno Y, Kobayashi A, Ikegami T, Masuda Y, Mita A, Urata K, Nakazawa Y, Terada M, Ikeda S, Miyagawa S
Liver Transpl 18(5): 608-11, 2012

Alteration of Y-box binding protein-1 expression modifies the response to endocrine therapy in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer
Ito T, Kamijo S, Izumi H, Kohno K, Amano J, Ito K.
Breast Cancer Res Treat 133: 145-159, 2012